This project creates facilities to meet the training needs of Hinkley Point C through redeveloping and extending existing facilities, demolition and new build, and investment in equipment, plant and machinery. It meets the needs of employers and learners as well as providing a legacy for future training needs of employers and learners as well as providing a legacy for future training needs both regionally and nationally. Extensive work with EDF energy and its supply chain has highlighted specific training needs including steel fixing and form working, plant operations, and engineering as well as wider skills to support the major infrastructure impact of this project.
2,867m2 New build training/learning floorspace
1,005m2 Refurbished training/learning facilities
10,849 People to be trained during first five years of project
33 New jobs created in the college in the first two years of the project
33% Progression rate of unemployed learners into employment upon completion of training
Growth Deal 1 Funding: £5.15m
Total Funding: £17.78m
Started on site: May 2015
Completion: March 2018
This project forms part of the Nuclear South West strategy – a strong partnership between three south west LEPs (Heart of the South West, West of England and GFirst) the nuclear industry, local authorities, academic and skills sectors and business support agencies – generating £55bn of nuclear opportunities over the next decade.