The Heart of the South West LEP is working with partners in the HotSW Economic Resilience and Opportunities Group (HEROG) chaired by Phil Norrey, Devon County Council CEO on the area’s economic response to COVID-19.
The group has agreed that all business advice and support should be directed through the HotSW Growth Hub
The Growth Hub website is being updated with information on business resilience guidance as new information becomes available. This includes new interventions from Government following the daily announcements on practical advice and finance options; and useful resources published by business support organisations in the area, such as guidance on remote working.
HotSW LEP staff are fully geared up to work remotely and at pace to gather intelligence and implement rapid action to communicate new information as it comes in.
A weekly report to Government and HotSW MPs will highlight the major concerns and suggestions from the business community, with the aim to help refine policy and additional targeted support.
For latest updates follow @HeartofSWLEP for all LEP new; @GrowthHubHotSW for business support and @HotSWSkillsCareers for upcoming information about employment and skills development in relation to immediate requirements (e.g. digital working skills) and longer term careers as the economy recovers.
The Heart of the South West LEP is working with partners in the HotSW Economic Resilience and Opportunities Group (HEROG) chaired by Phil Norrey, Devon County Council CEO on the area’s economic response to COVID-19.
The group has agreed that all business advice and support should be directed through the HotSW Growth Hub
The Growth Hub website is being updated with information on business resilience guidance as new information becomes available. This includes new interventions from Government following the daily announcements on practical advice and finance options; and useful resources published by business support organisations in the area, such as guidance on remote working.
Extra resources are being diverted to the Growth Hub to increase capacity of its telephone advice service; but the web information is being promoted in the first instance, via the HotSW LEP’s social media activity.
HotSW LEP staff are fully geared up to work remotely and at pace to gather intelligence and implement rapid action to communicate new information as it comes in.
A weekly report to Government and HotSW MPs will highlight the major concerns and suggestions from the business community, with the aim to help refine policy and additional targeted support.
For latest updates follow @HeartofSWLEP for all LEP new; @GrowthHubHotSW for business support and @HotSWSkillsCareers for upcoming information about employment and skills development in relation to immediate requirements (e.g. digital working skills) and longer term careers as the economy recovers.