The Torquay Gateway Scheme will open up key sites for existing and planned employment, capitalising upon the South Devon Highway reducing journey times and increasing trip journey time reliability. This will provide more confidence to inward investors remote to the area that access into the Town and the designated future growth areas is dependable, aiding existing businesses and encouraging new investment in new commercial and housing schemes.
The scheme consists of the following improvements:
- Scott’s Bridge – Provide a left lane for northbound A3022 traffic for 60metres, mark a waiting box for right turning northbound traffic, lining for east / west movements
- Lowes Bridge – Reline and extend the northbound approach to 3 lanes for 100metres from the stop line allowing a longer left and right lane, provide 2 lanes northbound from Woodlands Road junction, remove the bus stop for northbound travellers south of the junction and improve the existing bus stop outside Torbay Hospital on Newton Road, upgrade all crossings to toucans incorporated into signal phasing, allocate 2 right turn lanes on westbound approach.
- Shiphay Junction – Provide 2 lanes on the northbound A3022 to Woodlands Road, an additional 80metre left turning lane for northbound traffic, convert the existing pedestrian crossing south of the junction to a single crossing phase, provide a toucan crossing on Shiphay Lane linking the new hospital cycle route to Rowcroft, and install new signing for pedestrians and drivers regards appropriate lane use.
- Gallows Gate – Provide a 95metre left turn lane on the westbound approach and allow both lanes to be left exit.
- Rowcroft Cycle Link – A half mile cycle link between Shiphay Lane and the rear of Torre Station adjacent to the rail line, emerging at Crownhill Rise, will also be provided.
720 new jobs
743 Additional dwellings
Employment can be a mixture of high end office, light industrial, and retail opportunities.
Growth Deal Funding; £2.79m
Started on site: January 2016
Completion: March 2020