Taunton Rail Station Enhancements
There has already been significant growth in rail patronage at Taunton over the last decade, and this is set to continue as the town expands. This scheme enhances the station and expands its facilities, to make it a gateway to Taunton, and to complement the regeneration of the town centre and adjacent Firepool development.
A masterplan provides a framework for the proposed development around the station. There are a number of core enabling work element which enable the remainder of the framework to be delivered. The core enabling work elements are:
1. Ticket office moved to south side of station to allow the creation of the interchange by bringing all transport uses together
2. Transport interchange created on the southern side of the station outside the new main entrance by bringing all non-rail transport activities into one cohesive area, this includes bus stop, taxi facility, car parking and pedestrian and cycle links
3. Redevelopment of land around the station – more efficient use of space allows for redevelopment on land to the north and south of the station with the south side redevelopment providing enhanced facilities for the travelling public as connections for onward travel
4. Provision of a multi-storey car park to provide replacement parking and additional spaces to forecast increased rail demand.
250 jobs created/ safeguarded
500 houses
Started on site: April 2016
Completion: March 2020