Plymouth needs additional capacity to meet the economic and labour market demands for STEM. To achieve this, a future-proof, fit for purpose facility is required. City College Plymouth is building this facility at al total cost of £12.83m. The project is designed to: meet identified future labour market needs; make significant GVA and private sector employment contributions to the City and address skills gaps that will create a considerable number of sustainable private sector jobs from the local labour pool. These skills gaps identified include; in-work progression, up-skilling the local populations and supporting young people into sustainable STEM careers.
4,632 sqm New build training/learning floorspace (new STEM, Creative and Digital Media and Marine Engineering Centre by the end of September 2017)
675 sqm Refurbished training/learning facilities (accommodation at Kings Road by September 2017 to accommodate learners displaced from the Goschen Centre)
420 new learners
Growth Deal 1 Funding: £5.43m
Started on site: May 2015
Completed: August 2017