The new signalised all movements junction on Trenchard Way, Taunton will serve both the Firepool Development and the new multi storey station car park that is part of the Taunton rail station redevelopment. It includes pedestrian and cycle crossing facilities as well as the widening of an existing signal-controlled pedestrian / cycle crossing located at the Station Approach. This is on the line of the proposed Boulevard which is to run through the Firepool Development providing a high-quality direct link for pedestrians and cyclists between the Railway Station and the Town Centre.
The multi storey car park will provide replacement parking and additional spaces for forecast increased rail demand as part of the Railway Station Enhancement Scheme. The Firepool development site is playing a key role in growth in the town and will create a new attractive waterfront pedestrian and cycle link through to the town centre. It comprises 7.1ha of land to include food retail, non-food retail, office space, hotel and leisure uses, and residential dwellings and delivering 210 new jobs and 698 new housing units.
Getting Building Funding: £0.4m
Completion date: March 2023