The Derriford Transport Scheme (DTS) aims to unlock sustainable growth by reducing current congestion and minimising the impact of additional trips on the highway network that will be generated from new developments in the area. The scheme will achieve this through localised highway widening to support additional traffic and bus lanes enabling more efficient use of the existing junctions at Derriford Roundabout and Tavistock Road / William Prance Road. The provision of improved walking and cycling facilities and greater public transport priority will encourage and enable more sustainable journeys to be made.
In achieving these aims the DTS will help to provide the conditions for sustainable growth and job creation. The creation of new and the release of existing capacity will mitigate trips from the proposed development sites in the Derriford area. The increase in sustainable journeys will remove existing and new car based trips from the network, again releasing capacity for traffic generated from new major development sites.
The project outputs are to support delivery of 2250 jobs, 750 houses and 35,500 sq m commercial floorspace by 2021.
Growth Deal 1 Funding: £10.16m