Increasing levels of traffic resulting from additional housing and employment development in Exeter has had a detrimental impact on the performance of M5 Junction J30 during peak periods. The revised Sandy Park junction at Newcourt involves the creation of an all-movements junction, under traffic signal control. This replaces the previous left-in, left-out junction, which required some traffic to make U-turn movements which imposed additional traffic on the congested roundabout at Junction 30.
The objectives of the scheme are to:
- Improve access to Sandy Park area to unlock development.
- Reduce the impact of traffic from new development on the operation of J30 of the M5.
- Minimise impact on Old Rydon Lane and limit U-turning traffic on A379 as a result of the proposed development
The planned development at Sandy Park has now commenced, and the construction of the new hotel is well advanced.
The project supports provision of 270 houses completions and 325 jobs.
Total scheme cost: £2.19m
Growth Deal 1 Funding: £0.82m
Started on site: August 2016
Completed: January 2017