
The Heart of the South West LEP has confirmed that the functions of the LEP and management of its assets will transfer to Somerset, Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Upper Tier Local Authorities with effect from 31st March 2024.

For general enquires please contact Isaac Young at Somerset Council

Are you a business and looking for information or support to help your business?

For information, support or advice on any aspect to do with your business including funding or raising finance please contact the Growth Hub who provide this service on behalf of the LEP. The Growth Hub is a single point of contact – completely free at the point of access – for all businesses in Devon or Somerset seeking advice and support on any issues relating to the operations and aspirations of their business.

By telephone: 03456 047 047 (during normal office hours Mon- Fri)

By email:

See the website for more information: Visit the Growth Hub

NB when transferring to another website you will need to check their privacy policy, our privacy policy only applies to content on the HotSW LEP website.

Freedom of information requests

The LEP will respond to Freedom of Information requests in accordance with the arrangements of  Somerset Council as its Accountable Body. For all Freedom of Information requests relating to the LEP, email us via the contact form.

For Freedom of Information requests relating to information held on behalf of the LEP by other Local Authorities then their Freedom of Information policy applies;

Data protection and privacy

We handle and process all personal data in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act (2018) and the PECR regulations. For further information on how we handle your data please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Send us a message

    David Ralph

    Chief Executive

    David Ralph started as Chief Executive of Heart of South West LEP at the beginning of June 2018. Previously, he had spent 5 years as CEO of the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire (D2N2) LEP from 2013 where he oversaw the development of the D2N2 Strategic Economic Plan and sector strategies, 3 Growth Deals with HM Government to deliver a £1billion capital investment programme, securing and implementing £200m ESIF programme, the Derby and Nottingham Enterprise Zone, the D2N2 Skills Deal and Time for Innovation programme, community fund and led the executive team to develop the HS2 East Midlands hub. He was also closely involved in the proposed North Midlands Devolution Deal and one of the key architects in establishing the Midlands Engine, chairing the officer steering group. Whilst in this role David was a NED of the Nottingham Enterprise Zone, and Marketing NG, the Outer Estates Foundation and a Governor of Nottingham College and on the advisory Board of Nottingham Business School.

    Before the East Midlands, David was CEO of the Have Gateway Partnership working closely with local stakeholders including the ports of Felixstowe, Harwich and Ipswich and BT Adadastral Park across Suffolk and Essex and prior to that was Chief Exec of the Barton Hill New Deal for Communities programme in Bristol and the Nelm Development Trust in Norwich.

    David is a keen sailor, walker and trail runner.