The Derriford Hospital Interchange (DHI) scheme is part of a package of strategically important infrastructure projects on the Plymouth Northern Corridor, which together are essential to support an increase of 9,000 jobs and the delivery of 2,950 new homes planned for the north of Plymouth in the period to 2030. A key element of the strategy for the Northern Corridor is to reduce dependence on car travel, by improving facilities for buses and cyclists.
Some 5,000 staff work at the hospital, and there are up to 48,000 visitors per week. At peak periods up to 80 buses per hour call at the hospital.
The Derriford Hospital Interchange scheme introduces a two-way bus link through Derriford Hospital. Four existing bus stops were replaced with seven new bus stops with shelters and real time passenger information. Taxis and passenger drop-off are segregated from the bus interchange and the pedestrian environment has been improved through the widening of footways and improvements to crossing facilities.
The project provides infrastructure to enable:-
- Two-way operation for buses, with additional bus stops and enhanced waiting facilities
- Reduced congestion outside the hospital entrance
- Upgraded pedestrian facilities
- Improvement in air quality
The project supports delivery of 360 jobs, 120 houses and 5,680 sq m commercial floorspace on the Northern Corridor.
Project cost £2.15m
Growth Deal 1 Funding: £1.32m
Started on site: February 2016
Completed: June 2017